Around the world

Around the world; a Nation Hopper's journy to teach on all 7 continents.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Food Coma

I just got in from Burriram, where I had dinner with P Pete Samai, Walai, Nathan, and two board members and their families. The restaurant we went too is very popular in Burriram. We sat at a table that had sort of a pit underneath it, so you sat you were in a chair, but the table was sunk lower.. kind of like benches all the way around, but it was the floor, not benches…. it was, I don’t know how to explain it. :) 
Dinner was excellent. There were so many dishes on the table, bonus that I was able to eat all but one. There was a fried fish that was too die for. Sweat and sour soup (they really meant spicy beyond belief) with shrimp, squid, and bamboo, all of which I like very much. Then there was a round dish with oysters, dowwho (tofu), kind of a seafood patty that had the texture of tofu but tasted like seafood, and shrimp. There was a plate full of duck with noodles. Last but not least, crab curry that was to die for. I couldn’t stop eatingm everything was fantastic and I had to try everything, sadly I had to pass on the duck.---- I was reminded of two important people tonight. Steve Morrell because of the duck. I have this very vivid memory of eating a duck that Steve and his brother shot once. I wish I could’ve sent yall some of the duck, Nathan said it was outstanding! I was also reminded of my mother. I told Nathan this story and he relayed it to the rest of the group. When ever we were involved with a Christmas party, either hosted it or attended, my mother would eat smoked oysters. I remember one year she ate so many of them she was sick to her stomach.------I’ve been without meat for the last 9 months. Nothing has tempted me into breaking my new years resolution more then being in Thailand. It is excruciatingly painful to have to pass up these ridiculously good looking dish because they have meat in them. Ugh. 2012 needs to be here already. During and after dinner was full of smiles and laughter. I don’t think I have laughed that much in ages. My cheeks are still sore!

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