Around the world

Around the world; a Nation Hopper's journy to teach on all 7 continents.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


So I get into Vancouver and after trying to navigate around this ridiculous airport, find out that my flight into Hong Kong is delayed by three hours... I only have an hour and a half from the time I get into Hong Kong till I'm supposed to leave for Bangkok, AHHHH! I am currently trying to find another Air Canada ticket counter to see what the blazes is going on and if I can get on a different flight. The airport is HUGE and my pack weighs a ton (Note: if you re going to travel over seas, dont over pack your carry on. I know you THINK you will need three note books, your make up bag, a computer, a book, a nook, and a three travel books but in reality you only need an ipod, a nook, and a computer. Trust me). Insert hysteric voice now.

Breathe.....Breathe..... Breathe....

Ok...  I'm going to brave the confusing terminal to see about my flight. Wish me luck and keep your fingers crossed that I dont have to spend a night in Hong Kong!

On a side note: the Vancouver airport has a waterfall in it. Win.

On another side note: Pumped up Kicks is the official song for this trip, I have a 'trip song' for every international trip I have been on. Dork alert!

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