Around the world

Around the world; a Nation Hopper's journy to teach on all 7 continents.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Dark Days

I'll give you fair warning, I'm in a pretty depressing and dramatic mood today. So, take this post with a grain of salt.

I got my plane ticket home yesterday. It's official. I'm leaving on the 8th of February.



Heavyhearted, down in the dumps, cheerless, dejected.

How on earth can I leave? How am I going to survive life without these girls? They are the sun that my world spins around. I love everything about Thailand, except for the weather, it's so stinking hot right now. I have absolutely no urge to go back to the States. Sure I miss my family and my friends, but I'll be honest, not enough to want to come home. I'm afraid life is going to be quite boring the moment the wheels of the plane touches the runway. There wont be any crickets to eat, unless I go catch and fry them myself, there will be no more driving by beautiful temples on the way to the grocery store, there wont be any more bowing or 'swadika'ing to people on the streets. There wont be any more smiles, giggles, or cuddles from the girls.

This trip has brought unexpected changes into my life; changes which I cannot delve into further at this point in time because I'll burst into tears, which will bring everyone out of the office, demanding to know who is ruthlessly beating me.

So I'll just stay here for another 6 months, mmkay? 

1 comment:

  1. I would just like you to know that I feel completely unloved :(
    I completely understand not wanting to come home though.
    All the same, I can't wait for you to come home!!!
