Around the world

Around the world; a Nation Hopper's journy to teach on all 7 continents.

Saturday, December 28, 2013


In keeping with tradition, I had to eat something weird while in Uganda. Most of the dinning choice I've had thus far have been pretty normal, much to my disappointment. But tonight I had two unusual things that I had not yet tried.

The girls and I had fish for dinner again tonight, Esther, Prosy, Filda and I were sitting laughing after putting food on our plates and I happened to look at Esther's plate. She had chosen one of the heads (Filda had the head last night) and its mouth was open. Did you know fish have tongues? I politely asked Esther if she was going to eat the tongue, the answer to which was a very strange look. Taking that as I no, I asked if I could have it. With a nod I picked up the head from her plate and put it on my own, with a fork I held the mouth open and with a spoon I scooped out the tongue before handing the head back. It was a bit on the slimy side, and it had the consistency of fat.

Dinner progressed, I was sitting next to Eron who had the other head and asked if she was going to eat the brain. She shrugged and said she didn't know what it looked like. She had eaten the majority of the meat off the top of the head and I asked if I could have a look. I picked up her head and started prodding at it; during the cooking process both the eyes on this fish had come loose but the empty sockets remained. (Side story: Esther was very happy to eat her fish eyes but only ate the inner part of the eye, leaving the socket. I picked it up to have a look and found a long piece of white, string-like muscle attached to it. "This is where it attaches to the brain!" I was pretty grossed out, but it served as a reference point to finding the brain in Eron's fish) I gently pulled at the socket until I found the attachment muscle and gently tugged at it. A piece of dark meat wriggled as I pulled, I had a feeling when I first saw it that it was the brain but now I was reasonably sure. A small piece of the brain broke off as I detached it from the rest of the head and handed it back to Eron so I popped it back in my mouth.

So I can add fish tongue and brain to my ever growing list of unusual foods :D 

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