I just got back from the adventure!
We went to see Fai's mother who is in prison in Udon.
The trip was pretty uneventful. Two very long bus rides and a very short visit. Noo tried to get Fai more time then the allowed 15 minutes, sadly the people in charge would not budge and we settled with the 15 minutes.
But the most interesting thing happened when I got home. As soon as I was through the door I rushed to the bathroom (the bus ride home was 9 hours and I am not good with squatty pottys). Imagine my surprise when I was ambushed while finishing up by a gigantic, ugly, brown spider. I leapt off the pot faster then you can say Raid. The spider proceeded to leap, and by leap I do mean LEAP, out after me and scuttled/jump across the bathroom floor. I nearly screamed and ran to find P Ui. She came to kill it for me, and was very surprised by the size I might add. I scoured my room, sure there were at least a dozen other spiders waiting to jump me at some point. Thankfully I found none. But I am left scared and with a ridiculously irrational fear of my toilet.
We went to see Fai's mother who is in prison in Udon.
The trip was pretty uneventful. Two very long bus rides and a very short visit. Noo tried to get Fai more time then the allowed 15 minutes, sadly the people in charge would not budge and we settled with the 15 minutes.
I did see a handful of very interesting people. As we picked Noo up Tuesday morning a man walked by with a very long white beard and a sling shot hanging out of his pocket. I met Jenny who's boyfriend is working in Israel at the moment and whos mother is pregnant and expecting in February. Jenny goes to see her mother at the prison every week. On the way home I saw a car with the word 'satan' written in large letters on the back of a car.